Sunday, August 16, 2015

The One With The Daily Gratitude Diary, pt. 2


7/21: I'm thankful the Argentinian border guards didn't confiscate the piece of rock from SPA that Klaus gave to me.

7/22: I'm grateful I got to Zitto for lunch minutes before the rest of the Mendocino lunch crowd. I got to enjoy my beer, salad, and cappuccino in peace.

7/23: I'm grateful for long bus rides.

7/24: I'm grateful for the hospitality of my host, Mati, for greeting me before the sun came up at 7:30.

7/25: I'm grateful for the other foreigners at my AirBnB.

7/26: I'm grateful for Nancy, and the phone feature on WhatsApp.

7/27: I'm grateful for new Bs As hostel friends.

7/28: I'm grateful for Alberto.

7/29: I'm grateful for my parents, who encouraged me to take this trip on my own. I've learned so much, reflected a ton, and can't wait to come back on my own dime.

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